Gut health has been a hot topic for a while, but it seems everyone wants to tell you foods to cut out. These tips will help you focus on what you can start adding IN to your diet so you can eat your way to a healthy gut!

1 - Fermented Foods
Kimchi, sauerkraut...fermented foods have been making a comeback and your gut is pumped about it! They are packed with living good bacteria that your gut can hold onto and multiply. Top fermented foods: yogurt (with live active cultures), kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and lassi! Whole Foods has a whole section dedicated to fermented foods and it's definitely worth checking out.
2 - Resistant Starch
Resistant whaaaat? These starches are 'resistant' to being broken down, aka your body can't digest and absorb them. But don't be fooled that they are just passing by with nothing to offer you. The undigested starch travels to your large intestine where it is fermented and turned into short chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are the perfect energy for the good bacteria to feed off, helping them grow and populate your healthy, happy gut! So what should you eat? Bananas, beans, legumes, and its sounds weird but cooked and then cooled rice and potatoes. Did someone say potato salad?!
3 - Fiber
Fiber cannot be broken down and absorbed, instead it helps with your gut function, mobility and health. High fiber foods like broccoli, kale, whole grains and avocados are going to be great things to add into your diet to help heal that gut!
What are your questions about gut health? Probiotics? Prebiotics?
Need help implementing these tips into your diet? Check out this blog post to increase your fruit & vegetable intake...a great way to increase fiber!