Have you ever had a big weekend of eating and drinking? Maybe you were celebrating, maybe you were emotional. Whatever the reason, you have that feeling of over indulgence and it doesn’t feel good. So how do you feel energized again WITHOUT turning to a radical/extreme diet or fitness regime?
Going extreme usually ends badly with physical and more importantly mental and emotional repercussions that set you back further.
So let go of the idea that you HAVE to start a diet or working out for 2 hours every day.
Instead, try to implement some of the things below that can slowly and steadily get you feeling your absolute best, no diet needed!
It’s a lifestyle you can enjoy, maintain and the results are long term.
First up, remove the guilt
You might be feeling bad or guilty about what or how much you've eaten. But this negative feeling breeds negative actions. No diet ever started from a place of love. There is nothing you can do about the past, but you CAN focus on nourishing that beautiful body of yours. I know it’s easier said than done...I work on this with my clients DAILY. But a good starting point is acknowledge that you can’t change what or how much you've eaten. All you can do is just draw a line in the sand and make decisions from now on that are going to nourish your body and/or soul!
Move your body for 30 minutes a day.
Go for a walk, a spin class, yoga, play tennis with a friend – whatever makes you feel good! It doesn't have to be a 2 hour boot camp, just move a little.
Start your day with a nutrient packed and protein rich breakfast.
Starting your day off with a nutritious breakfast is one of the BEST things you can do to set yourself up for a successful day. If you start with a donut you’re more likely to have a mid morning muffin and a pizza for lunch...not necessarily the most well rounded of meals! But starting with a nutrient packed breakfast is going to help your body feel physically good and make you more likely to keep the nutrient dense foods going!
Stay hydrated.
Hydration is KEY to feeling good. It’s an easy focus for the day that doesn’t require too much thought or prepping. Just keep refilling that water bottle and keep sipping!
Tune into your hunger.
When you overeat you might think you need to compensate by eating less. Instead, try listening to your body. Eat when you are hungry, stop when you’re full. It’s easier said than done, again I work on this with my clients daily! But when you are giving your body the amount of food it needs to be satisfied you’re going to feel a lot better.
Prioritize sleep.
Go to bed! Step up your sleep hygiene - yes that’s a thing. Stay consistent with your bedtime and wake up time, no more hitting snooze. Make sure you turn off screens an hour before bed and keep your room dark and cool.
Plan Ahead.
No you don’t need to start prepping everything you eat. Just start with a plan for your meals each day. think about what you could have. Then make sure you have the foods stocked to be able to make those meals. Don’t leave it until you're hungry to decide what to eat, you’ll probably realize you don’t have certain ingredients and won’t be able to have that nutritious meal you first thought of.
Make a Gratitude List.
One way we can appreciate and love ourselves more, is to just start to love and appreciate ourselves now. Make a cup of tea, sit in your comfiest chair with your coziest blanket and start to write down all the things that you are grateful for! All the things your body helps you do, everything you love about life, friends, family and this amazing world we live in. By putting gratitude out, you’ll unlock even more gratitude for yourself.
Let me know which of these work for you! Remember start small, no crash dieting, no intense workout schedule. Just simple things you can do TODAY to help you feel good.