If you know me, you know that weight isn't what matters most, your overall health is MUCH more important! But who says you can't have a body you love AND a healthy lifestyle. Set up a free consultation here to see how you can have both!
And in the meantime...these are the TOP 9 reasons I come across ALL THE TIME when clients come to me for weight loss...

1 - You're overthinking it
You think you have to do paleo, a juice cleanse, south beach and keto...probably all at once, so you freeze and don't do anything. Or you do them all, can't sustain it and 'fall off your diet'. Instead of trying to follow a specific diet, you need to do what is right and what feels right for YOUR body! If this sounds like you and you're looking to end the confusion and find CLARITY in what YOUR body needs, check this out HERE.
2 - You think it's just calories in, calories out
There is so much more to being at a healthy weight than calories in calories out. There is so much more to food than the amount of calories it has. Food has many different nutrients and also affects you emotionally and socially. You'll benefit more from unlocking the holistic power of food, than counting calories!
3 - You won't give it time
Healthy, sustainable weight loss takes time. If it happens quickly, it most certainly won't last. Be patient with yourself, don't be tempted to make a drastic change to see fast results.
4 - You keep skipping breakfast (or other meals)
Skipping meals can make you over eat in the long run because we get TOO hungry and go crazy when we finally get to eat! Plan your day in advance so you can make time for food and know what you are going to have. Skipping meals, getting hangry and ordering a massive takeaway is a habit you want to break!
5 - You're mindlessly eating
Do you have a snack in your hand while reading this?! Eating is not a time to be multitasking. If you are consistently watching TV while eating, you're probably going to over eat! Pay attention to your food, enjoy it, really taste it!
6 - You're over eating, or under eating
Your expectations of portions are completely skewed! The cheesecake factory is NOT a good standard for how big a meal should be. A 100 calorie snack bag isn't either. A good portion is what satisfies YOU, so that you're not too full, but also not left wanting more. Check this post on portion control for more help.
7 - You eat too quickly
This goes hand in hand with mindless eating. If you are not focused on what you are eating you probably aren't focused on how it tastes, if you're full or if you're satisfied. This is going to lead to overeating, and you won't notice it before it's gone way past satisfaction and you're stuffed!
8 - You're too stressed
Stress has a BIG effect on your hormones and body composition. Are you holding extra fat in your abdominal area? That's a classic sign of too much stress in your life! If you know stress is an issue for you, do you know how to eliminate, reduce or cope with it?
9 - You're not sleeping enough or you're sleeping too much
Too much and too little sleep can both have an effect on weight. Just like stress, sleep can affect your hormones. Aim for 6-9 hours each night to make sure its not sabotaging your body composition goals!