Having these foods on hand make healthy living easier for me. I love these foods and I know how to combine them to make delicious meals that leave me feeling GOOD. You know those nights when you can't figure out what to cook or you feel like you have nothing to eat? Having your kitchen stocked of these basics help remove any decision fatigue that you're feeling at the end of the busy day.
These are my top 10, yours might be a little different but here's a start:

1 - Leafy Greens
A mix of green/purple leaves that you can make into the bed of a salad, add into smoothies, mix in with some eggs. They're really versatile and an easy way to get a vegetable serving in. They are high in vitamins, minerals and have a little fiber too!
2 - Eggs
Such an easy protein and healthy fat source! Scrambled for breakfast or boiled eggs on a salad at lunch, low prep but high nutrition. Just make sure they are from pasture grazing free range chickens, it's worth it to pay a little more if you can.
3 - Avocados
Healthy fats, tons of vitamins and minerals and a great source of fiber too. This is one super food I eat all the time. Avocado can complement meals at any time of day, or throw it in a smoothie to add a creamy texture and tons of nutrients, check this recipe here.
4 - Whole Grain Bread
So many people are afraid of bread and the carbs and gluten that come with it, but not me! I like to bake my own or use Dave's Killer Bread. Anything that's whole grain and packed with seeds and different grain flours is fine by me!
5 - Berries
Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber and they're sweet too! Berries are nature's sweet treat and I love having them with everything, parfaits, salads, smoothies, ice cream, pancakes. You name it, I'll put some berries on it!
6 - Wild Caught Salmon
Emphasis on the wild caught! Salmon can be a great source of protein and healthy fats, but just like eggs, it's worth spending a little more for quality fish if you can. Wild salmon feed off the plankton and seaweed which are loaded with omega 3's. If you eat farmed salmon you're missing out on these nutrients! Buyer beware, some fish farmers are adding dyes to their farmed salmon so it has that deep, bright pink colour that wild caught salmon has, don't be fooled and double check the label!
7 - Almonds
A great hunger curbing snack! Almonds and other nuts are a regular go-to for me, especially when I know I have a busy day ahead! Easy to transport, easy to store and easy to throw into a meal.
8 - Chia Seeds
An easy way to add a punch of nutrients to any meal, snack or smoothie. 1 Tbsp is all you need to get a little more healthy fats and fiber! You can get ground or whole seeds, ground is great for smoothies if you don't have a great blender. But add the whole seed to a liquid, milk for example, and let it gelatinise into a delicious chia pudding.
9 - Apples
I take the 'an apple a day' saying very literally! Mainly because I think they are delicious but also they are really easy to throw in a bag (with the next item too) and have as a snack anywhere!
10 - Nut Butter
I never really ate peanut butter until I came to America but now I think i'm officially addicted. Packed with nutrients and with so many nut butter varieties now it's hard to go wrong. Just make sure you are choosing one that is just nuts and salt. They don't need any added sugar or oils.
What's in your kitchen?! Anything you can't live without or are easy go-to's? I'd love to know!